Reva University Entrance Test - REVA UET 2019

REVA University offers Graduate, Postgraduate and Research programs leading to Ph.D across various disciplines. Admission to these programs is through screening process according to the guidelines prescribed by the University. The objective of screening process is not just to find out the eligibility of a candidate to a certain program but also his/her suitability to the program that we strongly believe would determine the career graph of the student. We have a team of professionals for career guidance and counselling who help students choose a course in accordance with their aptitude and interest levels.

The founders of REVA University are visionaries who nurture the vision of imparting higher education of global standards to aspirants from all walks of life. The visionary outlook and philanthropic approach coupled with four decade long entrepreneurial leadership and over a decade long experience in the field of education, have contributed to setting high standards of academic excellence and greater students’ satisfaction.

The Curriculum for all the programs are carefully crafted by a team of experts from Academia and Industry for Reva University. The industry oriented curriculum with emphasis on hands-on experience makes our programs well accepted by the corporate. The Choice Based Credit System and Continuous Assessment Grading Pattern (CBCS – CAGP) of education has been adapted in all programs to facilitate students to choose subjects of their choice in addition to the core subject of the study and equip them with needed skills.